Alternative medicine derives from modern individual’s need for a different, more human medical system. Alternative medicine is theoretically based mainly on Traditional Chinese Medicine and on Ayurveda. A question that does worth further investigation is the contribution of Ancient Greek Medicine into the formation of the constantly developing alternative medicine. The answer to the question is probable. Ancient Greek Medicine could enrich the theoretical basis of alternative medicine. This is a duty we, the modern Greeks, have to fulfill. Since we the Greeks, as a part of our interest about the alternative medicine, deal with the cultures of other populations and civilizations, why do we leave aside our ancestors’ knowledge? Why not be concerned, however, with the achievements of the medical thinking of our ancestors?
These thoughts have been torturing me since the foundation of the ACADEMY. The school’s title ACADEMY OF ANCIENT GREEK & TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE was chosen in order to remind us the need to revive the Ancient Greek Medicine for the good of all the Greeks not only but also and all who deal with alternative medicine all over the world.
Despite the fact that the vision and the need for a lesson about the Ancient Greek Medicine existed, a way of formulating the oral teaching and the written notes for it were missing. Six years of school operation went by likewise without this essential lesson. Very recently nevertheless, I came across a book (Essay about physiology and pathology of Nikolaos Ieropaidas), which showed me the way to structure such a lesson. The reason is that Nikolas Ieropaidas’ book is based on Ancient Greek Medical Thinking and at the same time is used as a textbook of medicine in medical schools of Greece when being under Turkish command around 1650.
In such a way Nikolaos Ieropaidas with his brilliant book, unique for its kind, sacred heirloom of the Ancient Greek Medical Thinking, showed me the way to structure the lesson of BASIC THEORY OF ANCIENT GREEK MEDICINE.
I’ m asking for everyone’s leniency, as the task I take on me to carry out is grand and obviously there are going to be found tenuities and, maybe mistakes. I dare nevertheless to take it upon me, since I consider it to be my sacred duty to try and revive the Ancient Greek Medicine.
The lesson is addressed to everybody, exceptionally of course to the alternative therapists. The first students will also be the first Teachers who will impart this knowledge all over the world. I wish good luck to this new effort which is being initiated by the ACADEMY within the academic year.
Part A
- Historical data, Asclepius, Hippocrates
- Fire-Water
- The 4 elements
- The trinity of the human nature (marrow, blood, gut)
- Of the soul
- Of the humors
- Of the inborn fire
- Of the defensive energy and pathogenic factors
- The meaning of illness and how to confront it
Part B
- Physiology and pathology of the internal organs