Creative Healing is a system of lymphatic drainage, and aims at the decongestion and the restoration of the vital organs (kidneys, heart, lungs, etc.) and the flow of liquids (blood, lymph, energy). Thus, it brings relief from chronic complaints, like headaches, allergies, headache, rheumatic pain etc., and also from other common problems, like flu, myalgia, sciatica, strains, etc.
This system is based on the teachings of the mystic Joseph B. Stevenson (1874-1956), who saw the human body and its functions as it is perceived today by modern physics: 99% space and 1% concrete matter (from which 50-90% is water). Our work is to create more space, promoting the flow of energy and the nourishment of the body. It is a fact that, through conscious work, the substance of the body can be fashioned like clay.
It is easy and simple, and very safe. It is recommended to all those who wish to learn a simple healing system for themselves and their family, as well as to professional healers who wish to learn complementary techniques in order to enhance their effectiveness.
The system contains 41 basic applications and many special manipulations, who aim at the restoration of the vital organs and systems of the human body.
The Introductory Cycle contains 38 basic applications. Then, for those who wish to deepen their knowledge and be professional practitioners, there is a Main Cycle that includes lessons on Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology. These lessons are necessary for those who wish to serve their fellow beings through complementary medicine.
- Introduction
- History of Creative Healing
- Detailed description and practice of the 38 basic techniques
- Deepening the basic techniques
- Complementary techniques for specific complaints (e.g. tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, scoliosis, MS, peptic ulcers, etc.)
- Holistic description of various organs and systems according to TCM