Acupuncture is the most refined ancient medical art. It originated in China, although it seems that all the ancient medical systems had similar techniques (like blood-letting or cauterization*). Chinese hold that acupuncture was taught first by the Yellow Emperor Huang Di, who wrote the first book on medicine (Neijing, Sowen, Lingshu).
Today, acupuncture is so widespread because of Mao’s Cultural Revolution and thanks to the “barefoot doctors”. These barefoot doctors were attending intensive courses on TCM, and then were treating the Chinese people, in a very difficult era of Chinese history. The western healers that study acupuncture are continuators of this tradition.
Can a person who does not have extensive knowledge of the human body learn acupuncture?
Barefoot doctors did not have extensive knowledge of the human body. In spite of this, they fulfilled their role.
Can a non-MD practice acupuncture?
In Greece, it is widely believed that only MDs can practice acupuncture. This view has led to the medicalization of acupuncture, and has inhibited the spreading of acupuncture. Considering that the Chinese people who teach acupuncture are not MDs, and that in many countries of EU and in USA acupuncture is practiced legally by non-MDs, then it is time that the situation changes in Greece also. Our goal is to open the gate of knowledge to all.
* Moxa is a kind of cauterization, with the herb Artemisia vulgaris.
1st year:
- Theory of meridians and branches
- Theory of acupuncture points
- Detailed description of meridians and branches
- Detailed description of acupuncture points
2nd year:
- Acupuncture, on the basis of Zang-Fu Theory
- Ear acupuncture
- Therapeutic applications (therapy protocols)
- Clinical practice